Monthly Archives: May 2016

Wallpaper vs Wall Paint


One of the biggest questions about interior design options is whether or not to use wallpaper. There are both advantages and disadvantages to both of these options, so the answer is by no means clear-cut, and whatever answer you reach is going to be the one that you feel is… Read more »

What to Expect from a Kitchen Refurbishment


Kitchen refurbishments are a concept that many find worrying, and that is perhaps well deserved. Horror stories about families having to spend three months living out of their microwave and off of premade food abound, and while occurrences of this are a minority, they aren’t particularly rare either. A large… Read more »

Dining Furniture Sets


One of the areas that you can really get away without in your dining area is a matching set of dining furniture. These matching sets contain a set of tables and chairs that have matching materials and similar aesthetic attributes with each other. Many of the sets come with accompanying… Read more »

Purchasing Complete Tableware Sets


A tableware set is often seen as a luxurious item to purchase, but the truth is that there is a wide range of tableware available at varying prices. There are plenty that target the typical university student budget, and in that sense, they can be very economical. Alternatively, there are… Read more »