Factoring a Rooflight into an Extension


Rooflights are an important aspect of interior design, and the way that a room is laid out – but they are often not prioritised. Lots of people with rooflights will decide that they want one after an extension has been built, which might work out just fine. Equally though, it… Read more »

What to Look for in Front Doors


The front door to your home: a place that should make you proud of how your home looks and what it means to you. The front door shouldn’t be underestimated in this, helping to give you – and others – the overall impression you are looking for. Front entrance doors… Read more »

Summer Umbrellas – Safe as Well as Beautiful


Umbrellas for gardens and outdoor commercial spaces serve an essential function. They aren’t just a pleasant design feature, they make it far more comfortable for you to be out of doors – and they allow you to sit outside with additional protection from the sun as well. This is very… Read more »